Disclosure Process
Step 1: Preparing To Disclose
• Explore your feelings about your disability…how comfortable are you talking about your disability
• Identify (by yourself or with other's help) what accommodations you may need during the hiring process or on
the job.
• Weigh the benefits, risks and timing of disclosure.
• If you decide not to disclose, make sure you can perform the essential functions of the position before accepting
• If you decide to disclose, plan in advance how you will handle it
− Whom to tell (interviewer, HR representative, etc.)
− What you will say
Step 2: When You Disclose
• Decide how specific you will be in describing your disability.
− General terms: a medical condition, a disability, etc.
− Specifically refer to your disability
− Exact diagnosis
− Remember, try to use language that is informative, yet non-threatening. Be concise in your explanation and
prepare brief answers for anticipated questions.
• Describe the skills that you have that make you able to perform the essential functions of the job.
− Qualifications
− Technical Skills
− General Work Skills
• Describe any functional limitations caused by your disability that may interfere with your performance and
identify those accommodations you may need to overcome those limitations.
Step 3: Prepare Script (If Necessary)
• "I have (name of disability). Currently, I have (the skills required) to do the essential functions of the job.
Sometimes, (functional limitations) may interfere with my ability to (duties you have trouble performing). It helps
if I have (name the specific accommodations you need). I work best when (other accommodations)."