
The Basics of Phone Interviews

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e Basics of Phone Interviews Interviewing with TWC Internship Site Partners • You are a representative of your Institution, TWC, and yourself. • Communication is key. − Your Internship Coordinator should always be informed when you have an interview or offer. − The Internship Site should always receive prompt responses from you. • Accept all interviews. • Always consult with your Internship Coordinator before rejecting an offer. Research + Preparation • Be prepared to talk about yourself. • Learn about the company by researching the organization's mission and recent accomplishments; this information can be found on the company's website. Communication • Phone, email, and home phone–check regularly. • 24 hour response times are key. • Be professional in your writing–spellcheck, no texting language. Phone Interview Set-Up • Stand or sit up straight during the interview. • Speak clearly and loudly. • Notes are great–no scripts. • Smile–interviewers can hear smiles. Ending the Interview • Say "Thank You." • What is your timeline for filling this internship position? • Restate your interest. Post Phone Interview • Call or email your Internship Advisor to debrief on the interview. • Write a thank you – be sure to include highlights from your interview. • Reflect - consider the rapport with the potential internship supervisor. • Be open and consider all you can gain from the opportunity. What skills will be tested? What kind of professional exposure will you experience?

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