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As the largest and most established academic internship program in the U.S., we work with thousands of students to navigate their internship journey, make informed decisions and maximize the...
Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to The Washington Center! Now what? Next up, you’ll be contacted by your TWC internship advisor and together you’ll shape your profile so that you are the...
This checklist will help you make arrangements on campus and with TWC prior to your advising session.
This resource outlines some best practices TWC staff and other students have used to make the most of the pre-arrival experience.
Use this resource to define your personal and professional goals so you can make the most of your TWC experience.
With internships playing such an important role in your early career journey, here’s a practical guide to help you decide which internship opportunity is the “right” one.
Your internship interviews will likely be conducted over the phone. This info sheet will help you navigate the process.
After empowering over 60,000 students with the experience, skills and network they need to land the right career for them, we like to think we know a thing or two about acing interviews.
Your dream internship is perhaps a phone call away. Follow these tips to prepare for and ace the phone interview.
This info sheet will help you write a cover letter to accompany your resume.
During your internship, you will be required to conduct email correspondence in a professional manner. This info sheet will help you write better professional emails.
This info sheet provides an overview of common interview questions and tips on how to respond.
Without a doubt, interviewing can make the best of us uneasy. Interns applying to The Washington Center program face a different kind of interview challenge: the phone interview.
There are common interview questions at every level of employment, including for internships.
“So what do you do?” If you know anything about Washington, D.C., you know that this is the most frequently asked question — on the Metro, at the coffee shop, and yes, in the elevator.
Use this infosheet as a guide to writing thank you emails after your internship interviews.
This info sheet guides you through the process of responding to internship offers.
Some internship sites - especially federal government offices - require interns to obtain security clearance. This info sheet helps you understand the process.
To say I didn't have a good internship interview is an understatement. I still was offered the position. Read what I learned from this experience.