Preparing for D.C.

Preparing for your professional semester at The Washington Center? Browse our pre-arrival resources.

  • What Should I Wear? The Ultimate Guide to Workplace Dress Codes

    What Should I Wear? The Ultimate Guide to Workplace Dress Codes

    Dressing for work can be tricky, whether you’re in the office or working remotely. Use this guide to get familiar with your office dress code and build a work-ready wardrobe.

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  • Budgeting and Transportation

  • Directions to RAF

    Directions to RAF

    Find directions to get to The Washington Center's RAF (Residential and Academic Facility) located in Washington, D.C.'s NoMa neighborhood.

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  • Getting to TWC from D.C.’s Airports

    Getting to TWC from D.C.’s Airports

    Flying to D.C. for your internship? These tips and tricks will help you get to The Washington Center’s Residential and Academic Facility (RAF) from each of D.C.’s airports.

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  • Budgeting for Your Semester in D.C.

    Budgeting for Your Semester in D.C.

    Find out how much to budget for a semester in D.C. This sheet breaks down estimated costs of entertainment, groceries, eating out and transportation for the average intern.

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  • How to Live Each Week in D.C. on a Budget

    How to Live Each Week in D.C. on a Budget

    Money can always be a concern, whether you’re at your home university or in Washington, D.C. So, how much can you reasonably expect to spend week-to-week during a semester with The Washington...

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  • Life in D.C. See what our students are up to in D.C. through their Instagram takeovers.

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  • Transportation Options for D.C. Interns

    Transportation Options for D.C. Interns

    Washington, D.C. is 68 square miles, and it can take some work to navigate if you don’t know how to best to get around the city.

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  • A Five Step Guide to D.C.’s Metro System

    A Five Step Guide to D.C.’s Metro System

    Getting around on public transportation can be daunting. This guide will get you one step closer to commuting like a local.

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  • Tips Every Intern Should Know Before Using the D.C. Metro

    Tips Every Intern Should Know Before Using the D.C. Metro

    Whether you come from a city comparatively larger or smaller than Washington, D.C., the public transit system - the Metro - will take some getting used to, for sure.

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  • What to Wear

  • Three Things I Missed When Budgeting for My Internship

    Three Things I Missed When Budgeting for My Internship

    Washington, D.C. is by far one of the most budget friendly cities for students, offering an incredible amount of free entertainment and activities.

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  • How Much Does an Intern in D.C. Spend a Week?

    How Much Does an Intern in D.C. Spend a Week?

    Living in Washington, D.C. for the summer was absolutely life-changing. I learned so many new skills at my internship, but perhaps the most important skill I learned while here was how to budget.

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  • How to Create a Professional Wardrobe on an Intern's Budget (Men's Edition)

    How to Create a Professional Wardrobe on an Intern's Budget (Men's Edition)

    Let’s face it guys… clothing can be expensive, and professional clothing can be really expensive. Developing a Capitol Hill-worthy closet can be daunting, but fear not, my fellow FAFSA recipient!...

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  • Making the Most of Your Experience

  • What Do D.C. Interns Wear to Work?

    What Do D.C. Interns Wear to Work?

    Someone’s style of dress can easily influence your first impression of them. Whether you are at the movies, the grocery store or even a sporting event, someone is noticing what you have on.

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  • Love to Plan Ahead?
    Start your D.C. bucket list with our recommendations of things to do and places to go.

    Living in D.C.
  • The Florida Girl's Guide to Winter in D.C.

    The Florida Girl's Guide to Winter in D.C.

    Going to a place with seasons is a big change for this Florida girl. While D.C. may not have winters like Minnesota, winter in D.C. is still cold, rainy and can be very unpredictable. 

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  • Must-Try Fall Trends for the Fashionable Interns of DC

    Must-Try Fall Trends for the Fashionable Interns of DC

    What exactly is business professional? What to wear can be very confusing for the budding intern, which makes it hard to put together a wardrobe.

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  • Survival Guide to Your First Week at an Internship

    Survival Guide to Your First Week at an Internship

    Whether you’re a seasoned intern or just starting out, the first week at a new office can be challenging. Here’s your one-stop guide to surviving the first few days.

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  • Related Resources

  • DOs and DON’Ts to Make the Most of Your Internship

    DOs and DON’Ts to Make the Most of Your Internship

    Back on #NationalInternDay, TIME posted an article referring to internships as the new entry-level job. The article reflects employers’ increasingly held expectation that first-time job seekers go...

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  • An Intern's Guide to Navigating D.C.'s Professional World

    An Intern's Guide to Navigating D.C.'s Professional World

    In Washington D.C., nothing is constant. Every day, new legislation is proposed and amended, businesses emerge and grow, and one event can entirely change an economic or political landscape.

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  • Conquering the Fears of Starting An Internship

    Conquering the Fears of Starting An Internship

    Moving to a new city can be scary. Starting a new job can be scary. Meeting new people can be scary. Can you imagine doing all three at once? These were the thoughts flooding my mind as the start...

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  • Four Essential Things You Never Thought to Pack for a D.C. Internship

    Four Essential Things You Never Thought to Pack for a D.C. Internship

    When packing for your semester in D.C., you're bound to forget a few things - especially these four commonly forgotten items.

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  • Nervous About Your Internship?
    Don't be. We've got the resources you need to succeed in the workplace.

    Start Preparing
  • Fields of Corn to Fields of History: What I Learned Moving from the Midwest to Washington, D.C.

    Fields of Corn to Fields of History: What I Learned Moving from the Midwest to Washington, D.C.

    As a Midwesterner, I was in for some culture shock moving to D.C. However, I quickly learned there is something for everyone in D.C., even for a small-town girl like me.

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