Chris Parris Jr., a Mass Communications major at Frostburg State University, joined TWC’s Summer 2024 Academic Internship Program and interned at the Assuaged Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting holistic health and wellness. Chris learned valuable skills, experiences and networks that will fuel his career growth.
What were some of your internship responsibilities?
A public health intern at the Assuaged Foundation can take on several responsibilities. These range from writing blogs and newsletters to co-authoring policy proposals. I spent most of my internship writing blogs in SEO (search engine optimization) format. I added credibility to my blog posts by citing articles and studies from reputable sources (e.g. medical journals, educational institutions, and the federal government). In addition, I co-authored a policy proposal.
Tell us about a project you worked on during your internship that was your favorite, the most challenging, rewarding, or exciting.
My favorite project was the first blog post I authored, focused on the health value of physical touch. A lot of time, effort, and research went into writing it. What made writing the blog a challenge was getting accustomed to the software used by teams at the foundation. Seeing my work get published was so fulfilling, making my hard work so worthwhile!

How have you expanded your professional network during your time with TWC?
I arrived in Washington D.C. with only 16 connections on LinkedIn. By the end of the summer, I had over 120 connections. I have networked with fellow students, co-workers, my boss, local professionals, TWC alumni, and even the former Secretary of State of Pennsylvania!
How has this experience impacted your career goals?
My time at TWC and Assuaged has encouraged me to be the best professional version of myself. I am eager to work on my professional development by learning new skills and taking advantage of online training opportunities. I have also decided to do at least one more internship before graduating from college.
What advice do you have for students considering an internship with TWC?
Make the most out of your internship, even if the one you get is unpaid. In an internship, you learn about your strengths and weaknesses, your preferences, and how to function in a professional environment. Take full advantage of the fact that you will be in Washington D.C., there is so much to see and do there! There is always something interesting going on. Furthermore, take advantage of networking opportunities and network with an open mind.
How has the support of the Maryland State Scholarship helped expand your opportunity via TWC and career exploration?
The combined worth of the two scholarships I received was $11,000. The housing scholarship allowed me to stay at the Residential Academic Facility (AKA The RAF) free of charge.
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