Stepping through the doors of one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies and well-known brands might be daunting for some, but not Cassidy Crawford, a first-generation undergrad student at Kings College, PA. This her first ever internship, Cassidy integrated quicky as part of the team, coordinating with global partners and taking advantage of every networking opportunity possible.

Where did you intern and what are some of your responsibilities there?
I had the pleasure of interning at in the government affairs division of Kraft Heinz, one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies (that’s right, Kraft Singles and Heinz Ketchup!). I worked alongside a team of five people and my responsibilities included gathering information for them, coordinating/attending meetings, creating briefings and organizing data. As someone that has never had an internship before, I am forever grateful that Kraft Heinz was my first one. Through this work, I have learned so much about the way companies interact with the government and really enjoyed the work.
Tell us about a project you worked on during your internship that was your favorite, the most challenging, or the most exciting.
My favorite project during my internship was creating a briefing for a Kraft Heinz employee from Italy that came to D.C. to attend several meetings on Capitol Hill. I was put in charge of managing details that included the agenda and biographies of every person that he would be meeting with. This project stuck out to me because of the teamwork that went into it. I enjoyed the collaboration with my colleagues that the work required, and it made me feel that I was part of the team and that the work that I was doing mattered.
Cassidy was an incredible addition to our team, she jumped into the role and seamlessly fit right in. From meeting with Members of Congress to helping research complex policy – we couldn’t have been prouder to have Cassidy on our team. Her positive attitude and willingness to go above and beyond to help made a significant impact on the productivity and overall success of our team. We couldn’t have asked for a better summer intern!
Clay Helton, Senior Manager of Global Government Affairs at Kraft Heinz

How have you expanded your professional network during your time with TWC?
I have expanded my professional network during my time with TWC in ways that I never thought possible. I had expected to engage with my coworkers but had thought that my connections would probably end there.
I failed to take into account the people that my colleagues would introduce me to, the other interns that I would meet both within TWC and outside of it, and the networking that I would do on my own. One of the opportunities that I am most thankful for that this program opened up to me was the opportunity to meet so many people that have encouraged and fueled my success this summer.
How has this experience impacted your career goals?
Before coming to TWC for the summer, I had my mind set on law school immediately after I completed my undergraduate studies. After coming to D.C., however, I am more open to other possibilities.
My internship experience has proven that I love D.C. and I want to eventually be here permanently. This has made me reconsider attending law school immediately and has built the idea of working for a period of time before going back to school. I have been able to talk to a variety of people that attended law school, and their experiences with school and working have been very beneficial in helping me to decide what I want to do.
What advice do you have for students considering an internship with TWC, particularly first-generation college students like yourself?
The advice that I have for students considering an internship with TWC is to absolutely do it. I have made so many great connections and have grown tremendously as a person throughout this experience. This summer is one that I will never forget, and it has undoubtedly changed my life for the better.
As a first-generation college student, it has been scary navigating the college/intern atmosphere. TWC does a great job of making sure you are surrounded by people that support you and sets you up with the resources you need for success.
How did the support of the Sam Rose Scholarship expand your opportunity via TWC and career exploration?
Without the Sam Rose Scholarship, my summer as an intern would have looked very different, if I had even been able to have one at all. The Sam Rose Scholarship gave me the opportunity to really focus on my internship and making the most of my time here in D.C. and alleviated the financial burden that would have been on the back of my mind. I am forever grateful that I was granted the ability to be a part of TWC through this scholarship and it is something that I have not taken for granted.
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