In the face of uncertainty and the new normal of remote work, we’re asking students in our Summer 2020 Virtual Internship Program what’s inspiring them right now.
1. Describe yourself in three words.
Successful, goal-oriented, never gives up.
2. What’s your superpower?
3. What about biggest weakness?
Time limitation
4. Best compliment you ever received?
High-performance employee
5. What are you studying?
Human services
6. Favorite thing about what you’re studying?
Consolidating my 3 favorite fields: psychology, social sciences and public health.
7. Which school are you studying at?
Elizabethtown College
8. Favorite thing about your school?
Online classes
9. Where are you interning currently?
Boston Public Schools’ Office of English Learners
10. Proudest moment at your internship?
Helping with summer program advertisement
11. Biggest lesson learned at your internship?
Discovering my creative mind
12. Walk us through what a typical day is like.
8 a.m. - workout
9 a.m. - homework review
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - internship
3 p.m. to 8 p.m. - regular job
13. Describe your virtual workstation setup.
2 desks, 1 desktop, 1 laptop, my cat figurine collection, a digital clock, a large calendar planner, a daily agenda and journal, some hand lotion and 3 cellphones.

14. What are your post-graduation plans?
Planning to go to law school
15. A skill you’re working on mastering?
Communication skills
16. What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
Finally finishing my college chapter and opening a new chapter in my life with law school.
17. What are 3 things you can’t live without?
Family, food and traveling
18. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but are too afraid to try?
Nothing - I’ve done everything that I wanted to do.
19. What was your dream job when you were 12?
I wanted to be a famous scientist. I studied chemistry for 4 years in Peru and later studied translation of foreign languages for 4 years as well.
20. What is your dream job now?
I would like to become a lawyer in criminal investigation.
21. Best way to decompress during these times?
Exercising, breathing, dancing and singing.
22. What are you currently reading? / Current TV obsession?
I love documentaries based in medieval times. Right now I am watching Frontier, Last Kingdom, Turn and Street Food because I love eating!
23. What’s inspiring you in life right now?
My family and society overall.
24. Best piece of advice you’ve received?
Being proactive.
25. Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
Focus on only one career that unites all the fields that you enjoy.
26. What would you like to be remembered for?
Someone successful who changed a way of living with education, hard work and empathy.
27. What’s one thing nobody knows about you?
I am an introvert but hide it very well.
28. Best networking tip?
I don't really have one. I am very straightforward in applying to jobs, I send my resume and I get ready for an interview.
29. Favorite quote?
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them” by Henri Matisse and “Never give up,” which I repeat to myself every week.
30. What’s the most important career/life lesson you’ve learned so far?
A career demands lots of time so if someone wants to become professionally successful then they should focus on that first. It is very difficult to prioritize the role of being a mom, worker and student, which is why I always advise young people to accomplish all career goals before starting a family.
31. What does success mean to you?
Recognition, social status and being an effective provider (food, education and leisure).
32. Advice for other students such as yourself?
Keep working hard and demonstrate with facts the great professional you are (or will be).
Are you participating in a virtual internship this summer? Got advice you want to share? Let the world know! Share your responses for a chance to be featured.
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